Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our wedding..

I thought I would put up some pictures of our wedding..it was the perfect day!!

The Beginning...

OK so I am very new at this whole blogging thing,but thought I would give it a try. Matt and I got married  on November 8,2008 in Newberry. It was absolutely beautiful. We didn't get a "true" honeymoon (only spent one night at Disney) because Matt got a job at Marion County Fire Rescue and started the Monday after we got married. We did end up taking a 7 night cruise on our 1 year anniversary that counted as our honeymoon. We had a blast!!

March of this year we bought a house in Newberry. We still cant believe we got the house...it was such a blessing. We had been looking for houses for awhile and then we stopped looking as we found out that Matt's dad was diagnosed with cancer in Feb. We were actually at the doctors office when we got a call from our realtor telling us he had found the "perfect" house for us. I didn't believe him but took his advice and we went that night to look at it. Wow it really was perfect. Its a 3br/2ba 1700 sq ft house. Its so quiet out here and we are only 5 min from Matt's sister and brother in law and three nieces.

May of this year I got pregnant and was due Feb. 25,2011...went to my first doctors appointment in July and everything was great. Monday the 19th of July ( I was 8 weeks2days) I had some bleeding and called the doctor who made me appt. that morning for ultrasound. I was so excited because I thought I would be able to see a heartbeat..so it turns out that I was only measuring 5weeks2days..after blood work both mon and wed,thursday was the day. The doctor gave me pills and I miscarried the baby. I guess it stopped growing. Wow what a devastating blow. I never imagined this would have happened. Needless to say we both cried for days. I know that God will provide when he knows its the right time,its just hard. We had been trying for a year and then this happens. Its all in Gods timing,that's what I keep telling myself at least 5 times a day.

So after that tragic time,the tues after all of that,Matt's dad gets put into Hospice. He has stage 4 lung cancer and has spread. He did some chemo treatments and after the doctor reported that they just aren't working hospice took over. He had some good days and some bad days. After being in so much pain he finally went to Hospice where he would spend his last 6 days. All 5 of us (Michelle,Mark,Peggy,Matt and I) were there the whole time. Cramming into 1 hospice room and 5 chairs later we were having the best time. It definitely brought us all closer together. He passed away on Mon Aug 2,2010. He was looked so peaceful and pain free. I was so glad that he wasn't in pain anymore,but I miss him already. He was the sweetest man. I called him Goldie as he was an 'oldie goldie' with blond hair. He had hands that you could tell what kind of life he lived. They were rough from all the work he had done and they were big to protect any of us. Those will forever be remembered. I know he has 'gone fishing' but I'm ready for him to come back.

We are all trying to get through all of these hard times. I know we can do it if we stick together and stick with God. He is the true answer here. I know its gonna be rough,through the first Christmas,his birthday,my due date(which is 2 days after his birthday) with out him,it will be sad but hopefully it will get better with time.

With all these things happening I figured I could write a book! LOL. So I guess blogging is the next best thing?! I will be posting up pics soon of everything.

Until then,
Tristan <3
Us on closing day!!

Our house